Loved seeing him come to life again but did have to tweak his shadowing on right shoulder
Peinture agréable a faire, pleins de petits détails mais qui rend le tableau superbe. Une petite déception pour certaines couleurs qui ne sont pas semblable au modèle ou identique a un autre numéro. J'ai donc du faire des mélange pour dissocier les deux couleurs.
I loved how it turned out! I'm working on the matching cat one now!
Loved her looking at me as I painted away. I always start with the Eyes on all the paintings I do :0)
Our rescue beagle, Lucy, critically examining her portrait. I think she approves.
Très agréable à faire. Les tubes de peinture sont vraiment plus pratiques que les petits pots qu'on trouve dans d'autre marques. Les couleurs sont fidèles, le résultat est génial. J'adore ♥️
Yep I am back here again posting another review and another lovely painting. No I dont put ME in the photo , who want's to see me haha. Sadly Hiss was killed on the road. This painting is a surprise gift for the owner who lives in Ireland and I hope it doesn't upset them.
I have just ordered another 2 paintings , I am mostly stuck at home doing nothing so why not, apart from the fact I having nothing else to do anyways.
For those who are new to Winnies ... I tried another company and the canvas was sub standard , wrinkles in it that never fully came out even when it was framed so .... don't believe any Negatives you read on the Internet regards Winnies .
Nowhere else to write this so will do it here .... isnt it a shame there is nowhere on here where we can chat to fellow painters , hint hint
Another happy mummy received this painting of her fur baby
As an antique vehicle buff an owning several of them.
This painting has been a favorite of mine to date.
When I received the package the paint had hardened in the cups. I sent a message saying that it was bad paint. I received a response quickly stating that I would be receiving a new replacement set. I mixed up some of my own paint to match the colors and started the painting until the new set arrived. See if you can tell where I used my paint and then the new paint set.
I am very happy with Winniespicks and their support and services and give them five stars.
5 years ago, as the world began to close down because of COVID in March 2020, I lost my Dalmatian puppy to a failed surgery. The loss of my dog was compounded by the stress and uncertainty of COVID-19. I struggled to find meaningful activities to occupy my time when we couldn’t leave the house and many of our usual activities were canceled. I found Winnie’s Picks through a Facebook ad and decided to order a custom paint by number. Working on the painting not only occupied my time, but it helped me grieve the sudden loss of my sweet dog. I worked on it until it was about 85% complete, then life got crazy when I had to return to work in a digital setting. Years went by and I sort of forgot about it. I finally got around to finishing the painting last weekend. Its not perfect, but it turned out so beautifully. The kit was really well made and the supplies were exactly what I needed as a beginner. I will have this painting for many years to remember my sweet puppy.
Took me a month to do. Was a challenge but was worth it. I am definitely ordering from this website again!
I had just finished painting another one of Winnie's Picks, Pheasants in The Grass, before this and went through this paint by number in a breeze. Finished it in one day! Loved ever minute of it. I personally do not love how the colors blended in the sky but still enjoy it. I would say this is a great paint by number if you are just starting off:)
This was an awesome gift for my boyfriend. He loved it and it was so much fun for me to do. Defiantly took a bit of time but was very fun!
Another stunning painting . Well it is to me , hope this Christmas present is liked by their Mum . Thanks again Winnie for such life like kits.
Loved painting Willow I always start with the Eyes , I know you reccommend working from left to right but .... Thats my trade mark on All paintings I do. I start with the Eyes :o)
Another finished , fantasticly realistic looking painting
Challenging due to the ginger not being a good covereage but after several coats I got the finish I wanted. I love doing these as gifts . Now to get more Kits once I have pinched a couple of photos's off the pet forum haha
I just finished A Woman of Independent Means. As you can see, it looks a little different from the original. I did this because I wanted to make some creative changes that would please me more. Overall, I think it came out nice.
Some colors required 2. or more coats to cover lines and numbers, and I had to use leftover blue paint from another kit when I ran out of one of the kit's blue .
This was a fun and whimsical PBN. Loved seeing all the sea creatures come to life. I was worried that I would run out of blue paint but not a problem, I had plenty. This painting took about a month to do, a couple of hours a day.
Another 2 gorgeous fur babies painted as surprise gifts for their owners
I painted this engagement picture for my daughter’s upcoming wedding. I gave it to her at her bridal shower. It was a hit! It turned out better than I ever imagined!
I completed this painting a few weeks ago, and didn't find it to be too challenging. I was disappointed that the paint colors are a lot darker than how they appear on the website. I was also a little annoyed that it's dimensions are 15×20 instead of 16×20, the most readily available frame size. I put a one inch strip of white paper along the bottom to cover up the border.
Several colors required 2-3 coats to adequately cover lines or numbers, and I ran out on a couple of colors.